Ant build tips

25 Nov, 2007

During my past few Java projects, I've developed some guidelines which I find make builds faster, more reliable and easier to maintain. The details are specific to Ant, but hopefully the principles are transferrable to other software build systems.

These ideas may seem blindingly obvious to some readers, but I suspect they'll appear new-and-strange, and perhaps even bad-and-wrong, to others. In any event, I hope to trigger some thought/discussion.


My build approach is based on two simple principles:

(By "output", I mean some artifact produced by the build. I'm avoiding the word "target" here, since it has specific meaning in Ant.)

Efficiency - DON'T rebuild up-to-date outputs

Quick builds, and rapid feedback, are important for developer productivity. Using a build system that recreates everything from scratch after even a minor change is a great way to kill productivity.

Re-executing a single build step is typically not the end of the world, but many outputs are also inputs to other build steps, so unnecessarily rebuilding an output early on during the build can trigger rework all the way through.

Safety - DO rebuild out-of-date outputs

On the flip side, when a key input DOES change, you need to ensure that all the derived outputs are rebuilt, or at least revalidated. Otherwise, your build becomes "flaky" and unpredictable.

A flaky build forces developers to compensate somehow, e.g. by explicitly running "clean" builds every time, whch impacts productivity.


Explicitly declare dependencies between your targets

Some people are reluctant to declare dependencies, because declaring them introduces overhead. But not doing so is unsafe, because it opens the door to build steps being executed with stale inputs, resulting in confusing, frustrating, non-deterministic build behaviour.

If you've followed the "Don't rebuild up-to-date outputs" rule, then dependencies should be safe/cheap, ie. there's minimal overhead, and no reason not to declare them.

Targets should be Nouns, not Verbs

Typically, programmers name Ant targets by what they do, e.g. "compile", "test". However, this tends to produce very procedural builds.

So instead, I recommend choosing names describing what the target produces, e.g. "classes", "test/report". Perhaps it's just because I spent so many years automating builds using make, but I find that such noun-ish targets help in various ways:

If you've read this far, go read Martin Fowler's "OutputBuildTarget" article; he explores the subject more eloquently than I'm capable of.

Some targets might not produce a concrete artifact (or the artifact might not be the main point of the target). In such cases, I'll sometimes name them based on the condition they produce, or ensure. For example, a target using Simian to check for duplication might be called "minimal-duplication" (as opposed to "simian").

Use <uptodate> to avoid unnecessary rework

Most Ant tasks include dependency-checking based on file timestamps, and will avoid rework. But some tasks aren't so clever. For instance, the <junit> task will happily re-run all your tests, even if they all passed last time, and neither code not tests have changed.

The <uptodate> task can help fill the gap. It compares the timestamps of specified input and output files, and sets a property indicating that work can be avoided.

Here's an example where <uptodate> is used to avoid unnecessary re-generation of XML-mapping code:

<target name="xml-module/check"
    <uptodate property="xml-module.uptodate"
        <srcfiles dir="spec" includes="**/*.xsd"/>

<target name="xml-module"
        depends="xml-module/check, xmlbean/taskdef"
    <xmlbean destfile="${xml-module.jar}"
        <fileset dir="spec" includes="**/*.xsd"/>

Use <touch> to record a completed task

Although it's unusual, some build steps have no output: they are simply processes that must be executed, e.g. validating the format of a file, or verifying adherence to coding standards (Checkstyle, Simian). Other build steps can produce many outputs, e.g. code-generation tools.

In these cases, where there's no identifiable primary output, it can be useful to invent a placeholder output-file using Ant's <touch> task. The resulting file is empty, but it's timestamp can be used for dependency-checking, to determine if/when the build step needs to be re-run.

<touch> is most useful in conjunction with <uptodate>, as in the following example:

<target name="libs/check">
    <uptodate property="libs.uptodate">
        <srcfiles dir="." includes="ivy.xml"/>
        <mapper type="merge" to="lib/.done"/>

<target name="libs" description="retrieve dependencies with ivy"
        depends="libs/check" unless="libs.uptodate">
    <ivy:retrieve pattern="lib/[conf]/[artifact].[ext]" />
    <touch file="lib/.done" />

Here we're using Ivy to download third-party libraries. After download, we create a touch-file to mark the job as done. On subsequent runs, the library resolution and download process will be skipped, unless the "ivy.xml" control-file has been changed.

As I alluded to earlier, I have also used the combination of <touch> and <uptodate> to:

Use <dependset> to remove out-of-date outputs

When Ant is not clever enough to determine when something needs re-doing, the <dependset> task is useful for mopping up stale outputs.


Avoid "private" targets

Many builds include "private" or "hidden" targets, that are unsafe to call directly. A common convention in the Ant world is name these targets starting with '-', since that makes them inaccessible from the command-line.

I think private targets are a smell: they indicate that implicit dependencies are present in the build. Hiding the unsafe targets makes sense, in a way ... but I much prefer to make the dependencies explicit, as described above, at which point it's safe to let every target be called directly (which often comes in handy when testing some aspect of the build process).

Avoid targets depending on "clean"

Having popular targets depend on "clean" is a bad smell. You DO need to avoid using artifacts from previous builds which have passed their use-by date, but starting the whole build from scratch is overkill, when proper dependencies and careful timestamp-checking can ensure that just the stale stuff is rebuilt.

Avoid <copy overwrite="true">

An anti-pattern I often encounter (and a pet peeve) is:

<copy overwrite="true" ...>
        <filter token="PASSWORD" value="${db.password}"/>

The "overwrite" attribute causes Ant to copy files every time, ignoring the usual timestamp-checking that prevents re-generation of up-to-date files. Using "overwrite" can easily cause most of your jars/wars/ears/etc to be updated with every build.

Instead, use <dependset> to invalidate the outputs in the case that ${db.password} has changed.

See Also
