"Continuous Integration" might not mean what you think it means

8 Jul, 2008

Continuous Integration is a common practice in Agile development circles, but I think people (especially those new to agile thinking) sometimes miss the point.

Problem is, the term has become synonymous with build-servers such as CruiseControl (etc, etc), which frequently grab the latest code, build it, and execute automated tests. These are often referred to as "continuous-integration servers", which IMHO is a really bad name, 'cos if there's one thing these servers typically don't do, it's integrate.

And the point of continuous-integration is just that: Integrating. Continuously! Which means:

Unless you're doing this, you ain't "doing continuous integration", however frequently you're running automated builds!

Integrating continuously can be difficult. In particular, it forces you to chunk larger changes and features into small, bite-sized pieces that can be drip-fed into the codebase. And, you have to deal with other developers changing stuff all the time. Build-servers and automated tests are essential tools here, because they help keep the team honest, ensuring that everyone has a stable (if evolving) base to work on.

There are are plenty of upsides to frequent integration:

In summary: check it in already!
